Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hard evidence 4 u 2 c b4 u 8 2nite

Another real-life example of the Singlish-ness we have to live with… This is part of an email (yes email, not text message) that I received recently…

“jus 2b sure... u r aware tt u r on 4 2nite's gm ya?”

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lor is so over Lah

My neighbor at work was having an argument with another Singaporean. They talked very loudly, but one thing stood out from their word battle, which I unfortunately couldn't escape - the word "lor".

It was so consistent, that every sentence - yes, every single sentence - ended with lor!

That's when I realized that Malaysian "lah" is nothing compared to Singaporean "lor" - from the perspective of annoyance.

What to do? Everyone like that, lor!

A prelude

I used to blog on Bleu, until last July when I didn't feel like writing any longer (and that came after a long break as well). I got attached to other media, that writing with some thoughts seems no longer relevant.

Yeah, this blog, if I'm ever able to continue, will be some thoughtless writings. Short enough that I can ping from anywhere.

It's everyone else's fault.

Says politicians and world leaders most of the time.
Since my wife's always right.
Since it's so natural to blame anything but ourselves.

It's everyone else's fault. Since I'm usually right anyway.